Meghadutam:: - A beautiful piece of ancient Indian literary treasure, the Meghadutam ,written by Kalidasa is a short poem of a little over 100 verses.
The Meghadutam, literally translated means the Cloud Messenger. It is divided into two parts, Purvamegha (Previous cloud) and Uttaramegha (Consequent cloud).
According to the story, the treasurer of Gods, Kubera has a group of divine attendants working for him, called the Yakshas.
One of these Yakshas was so smitten and obsessed with his wife that he ignored his duties. He was cursed and banished into the woods on earth. Thoroughly dejected, he kept thinking about his wife and missed her a lot. His wife also kept thinking about him all day and all night.
Then one day, monsoons arrived on earth. The Yaksha saw a rain cloud pass by and requested it to carry a message to his wife. The Yaksha then starts to describe the route the cloud should be taking. The description is so captivating and so vivid, that one can actually feel like he scenes are flashing in front of you.
The Yaksha makes the route seem as attractive as possible so that the cloud takes his message to his wife. The emotions portrayed are so beautiful that it couldn't have been given a better treatment by any other poet.
Moral :- I'm not pushing away, I'm holding on for dear life, but I need you to need me back.
1. “Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn! Look to this Day! For it is Life, the very Life of Life. In its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your Existence. The Bliss of Growth, The Glory of Action, The Splendor of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a Dream, And To-morrow is only a Vision; But To-day well lived makes Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope. Look well therefore to this Day! Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!”
2. “We have watered the trees that blossom in the summer-time. Now let's sprinkle those whose flowering time is past. That will be the better deed, because we shall not be working for the reward.”
Blogger Labels: Meghadutam,piece,Indian,Kalidasa,poem,Cloud,Messenger,Purvamegha,Previous,Uttaramegha,Consequent,Kubera,attendants,Yakshas,wife,woods,earth,Yaksha,message,description,treatment,poet,Moral,life,Quotes,Listen,Exhortation,Dawn,Look,Verities,Existence,Bliss,Growth,Glory,Action,Splendor,Dream,Vision,Hope,Salutation,trees,verses,emotions