In 1996, there was a single EMU farm in India but today the number increased to 1000 EMU farms in 14 states of India. The majority of them can be found in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and other progressive states of India. The huge demand of Emu meat and Emu oil are the main reason for the growth of EMU farms. EMU oil is beneficial for relieving the pain and soreness of wounded tissues and joints. EMU may soon hit our dining tables in a big way with its delicious and tasteful meat having very less cholesterol. This large bird of Australian origin, which offers the fat-free, healthy qualities of white meat and the delicious taste of red meat, is multiplying in EMU breeding centers of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Maharashtra, even Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
 | Height at birth | 8 - 10 inches | Adult Height | 5 - 6 feet tall | Adult weight | 100 - 140 pounds | Color | Black and Brown | Health | Generally Robust, Hardy | Temperament | Friendly, Docile | Lifespan | 30years (approx) | Breeding Method | Mated in pairs | Productive years | Up to 25 years | Eggs per year | 10 to 20 eggs in the first breeding season, gradually increases up to 20-30 eggs in subsequent breeding seasons | Age at slaughter | 16 – 18 months | Height at birth | 8 - 10 inches | | Facts about EMU Farming in India
| | Some Highlights: - Dromaius Novaehollandiae is the species name of the EMU.
- EMU birds are from the group of ratite family of flightless birds along with Ostrich, Kiwi Etc.
- EMU's have adapted to a variety of conditions ranging from excessive cold to the extreme heat. Therefore, EMU birds can be raised anywhere in the whole world.
- Usually Emu's lives up to the age of 30 years.
- The EMU is considered as a friendly bird and can easily live in the grassy plains and dry open farms.
- EMU grow from 5 to 6 feet in height and weigh between 45 to 60 Kg's.
- Female EMUs are capable of reproduction for at least 25 years of age.
| | EMU is a bird that survives in all climates - whether it is farmed in Australia, USA, China and/or India. Unlike China, where breeding is well organized and the EMU is everywhere - As meat on the table;
- As oil with medicinal properties;
- As shoes or handbags in highly fashionable stores.
EMU Farming in India is still in its early years, with NABARD giving loans, EMU farmers should have it better.
A year old EMU is five to six feet in height, and weigh 30-40 Kg’s and upon completing 18-10 months EMU weighs in range of 50-60 kg. During its growth it changes its color thrice.
On a new born EMU chicks of age up to 3 months there are light color stripes on their body, after 4 months the color of bird starts looking chocolate brown. After the period of one year, EMU chicks again change its color, its feather on the neck goes away and neck looks greenish blue and feathers exhibit a variety of colors but mostly in brown and black shades.
There is no visible distinction between a male and a female EMU birds. Usually 18-month-old female is capable of reproduction; however in some EMU’s this period may extend up to 20 to 24 months too. Female EMU lays up to 25-35 eggs. The breeding period of productive female bird is about 6 months, from October to March.
EMU eggs are dark green in color. EMU eggs are 10-12 times bigger than the egg of a hen. Female EMU may lay eggs after every 3 to 5 days. EMU has a long life and lives up-to maximum of 40 years. An EMU grown up with great care and healthy is capable of reproduction for at least 25 years. We can take it for granted that they produce 30 young ones per year. So in simple terms if a farmer keeps these birds, takes good care of birds, they will give him healthy financial returns in forms of eggs & chickens for 25-27 years of age. After it stops’ reproducing it is a minimum of 50 Kg bird to sell for various products like meat, oil & skin and still make money for the farmer.
| EMU Farming in India The eruption and spread of infectious and contagious diseases are the factors due to which the business of poultry, dairy, animal raring or animal husbandry suffers. This results in fall in production, climatic charges, extreme heat and shortage of water.
EMU has strong immune system due to which it is naturally protected from all these diseases. Therefore, EMU farming is preferred all over the world today. EMU farming as a complementary to agriculture and is going to be the most profitable business in the near future. EMU eat grains, cereals, pulses and grass and can survives in extreme cold and in extreme hot. Each and every part of the body of EMU birds is commercially valuable. Hence, EMU farming in India is taking its roots.
EMU farming in India is a huge business scheme with an enormous growth potential. Despite of strong immune system, EMUs have to be protected from various other specific diseases including encephalitis. With a little faith, EMU farmers can sit back and count their money, if they get together to promote EMU meat in households as well as hotel menus. Due to increasing awareness of eating healthy, EMU meat has started getting in demand in India too. EMU oil which is removed from the fat deposited below the surface of the EMU skin contains the pain-relieving oleic acid, and is beneficial for arthritis and comforts stiff muscles and joints. Leather products from EMU skin, made on a pilot basis by the Central Leather Research Institute, were showcased at Delhi's Pragati Maidan some years ago to great acclaim.
| Top | Some Highlights: - Emu eat Fruits, flowers, insects, seeds, green vegetation and love caterpillars.
- Emus require 6-10 litters’ of water daily.
- Emus require 3 times food per day.
- Female Emu when begins laying eggs, male Emu keep watch of incubation.
- The emu eggs differ in size and color. It is usually dark green; about 5 inches long and have approximately 600 grams weight.
- For incubation, male emu waits until the female lays minimum of 9 eggs and then he starts incubating them by sitting on the nest.
- He incubates them for 52-56 days and doesn't eat or drink during this time.
- Emu can reproduce for as long as 25 years.
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